Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journey to Class

Hello all,

As I begin my walk to class each day it all starts out the same way, before I leave the house I make sure i put my head phones in for my ipod.  I walk out the door and turn down 13th street and head to campus.  If I am tired I will walk down 13th, cross High st. and go through the union to get on the bus. I take the bus to the Fisher College of Business and then walk to class from there.  They're might be a closer spot to get off of but I have not taken the time to figure it out.

On my way here I always keep to myself unless I run into some that I know, then i will take my head phones out and talk to them.  This early in the morning I just prefer to stick to myself.  But since I have my head phones on I miss out on a lot of the surrounding sounds but am typically pretty vigilante on looking around.  I notice people walking, people on the bus, and how they react to other things that happen.  If I'm going to have a busy day my people watching declines and I plan out my day so I am more oblivious to what is going on around me.  But I am always aware enough to know what is going on directly around me to make sure I know if there would be any danger or anything.

I look forward to working on this project.

Thank you,
Tyler Thines

1 comment:

  1. Tyler,
    I think a commonality a lot of people share on their way to class is their music. It really can isolate a person. I think you are a lot like me in that we both like to be alone in the morning. That isolated feeling might be interesting to pay attention to as we move through the class.
