Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10 Items

Hello all,

First off these are in no particular order of importance to me.

Titleist Hat - I chose this because I have grown to love the game of golf over the past few years.  It has always been known has hockeys off season sport but I did not always play and I am not the best golfer either but it is a great way for me to relax and get everything off my mind. I go with some of my best friends and just enjoy being outside and occasionally making a great shot.
-Relaxing activity

Lap Top - I chose this because my lap top is a vital part of my life in college.  I carry it with me every day to do school work, read the news, and facebook to keep up with my friends.  In todays world if you are not connected you can miss out on a lot of important things around the world.
-Resource to everything

Ipod- I chose my ipod because I listen to it everyday, unless I forget to charge it.  I listen to it walking around, working out, and studying.  I have music on my ipod for every mood I'm in so it is also a release to me because when I have it in I do not have to worry about listening to anything around me.
-Everyday necessity

Blackhawks Hat - I chose this because the Blackhawks are my favorite team and I love hockey.  Every time they are playing I normally talk to my Dad like every half hour whether I am watching them or not because either I am or he is and we just talk about what is going on in the game. It always gives us something to talk about
-Family team

Fridge- I chose this because with out my fridge I would not have anywhere to keep my food so it is obviously important to me.  I need to eat right to stay healthy and in shape.
-Vital object

Cell Phone -  I chose my cell phone because it is always on me when I am not either playing hockey, playing golf, or working out.  And also some other things that you obviously can not keep your phone on you.  But it keeps my schedule, keeps me in contact with friends and family, and also gives me something to do at all times if I get bored.
-Always on me

Hockey Bag- I chose this because hockey is my ultimate release.  I took a few years off of competitive hockey and I decided I could not do it anymore. I have been back playing for a week and my spirits are already up.  When I am playing hockey I do not have to worry about school work, any problems I am having, or stress I may have. Also playing hockey has given me some of the best friendships ever. Hockey is a unique sport and when you join a new team for the first time everyone excepts you like you are part of the family.  The friendships I have made playing hockey is something I will never forget and look forward to always having them.
-Ultimate release

Ohio State Logo - I chose this because I love going to Ohio State. I transferred here my sophomore year and I think it is the best decision I could have made. I love the school, the city, and everything about it. Everyones passion about the University is unreal and could not picture myself going to college anywhere but here.
-Best Decision

American Flag - I chose this because I think it stands for the great country we live in and how lucky we actually are.  It also stands for all the people that have served in the military and the ones who gave their lives so we can have the freedoms we have today.  Sometimes my friends and I just play patriotic music and have a great time knowing that we are free and celebrate living in this great country.
-Symbol of Freedom

My House-  I chose my house because I have had a blast living there this year. I have met tons of people and have had tons of fun.  Our house is known to all of our friends as the house to go to on the weekend.  We have had a lot of parties already this year but its not just about the parties.  I live with four of my team mates so it just allows me to always be with people I like being with.
-Favorite Spot

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