Wednesday, November 2, 2011

MP 4

Hello all,

For this project I choose the super power of flight.  While thinking about what power I would want to have I thought about flying, x-ray vision, super strength, just about everything you imagine a super hero having.  But what made me finally decide on the ability to fly is that growing up I feel every kid has acted like they are flying either buy running around or actually jumping off something and getting hurt.  This eventually made by decision very easy.

The project itself I feel turned out pretty well.  I like how I used the blurr effect to make it seem like I was flying very fast over the oval like I was on a mission to get some where.  I do wish I could  make it seem a little more realistic because I look a lot bigger then everything around me but I guess we can just act like I am way higher then everything and the camera is right above me.  Overall I am happy with the way it turned out and enjoyed doing this project.

Thank you,

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