Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Project

Hello all,

When beginning this project I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  I picked my big idea of Freedom and began my thought process.  I figured the topic of freedom would be easy to capture. When I started I wanted to keep with the thought of the United States being a free country and I would use that for motivation to do this project.

Once I began this project I began to run into some problems. I started taking pictures and I could not get what I wanted.  I focused mainly on the USA flag as a sign of freedom. But after a lot of thought I changed my direction on where I wanted to go. I did focus one of my pictures on the flag because it signals freedom to me but I wanted to change my take on the next two.  I decided to go with a picture of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and also a picture of the oval here at OSU.  Along with the pictures themselves I put quotes with them.  I chose the quote "We must be willing to pay a price for freedom" by H.L. Mencken for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  I did this because there are so many soldiers that have given their life and have not been found and I am very grateful for everything that they have sacrificed.  For the oval I chose the quote "only the educated are free" by Epictetus.  This means a lot to me because we all enjoy the freedom to choose what we do with our lives.  This includes picking where we go to school.  The oval is a major symbol for Ohio state so I thought a picture of it was appropriate.

After I finished my project I was very pleased with the final pictures.  Although they are simple, I put a lot of time and thought in to it.  These pictures represent what freedom means to me and I also feel others will feel the same.  Freedom is not something we are guaranteed and I am very happy to live in a country that I am offered it every day.  I hope everyone can relate to these pictures and get a sense of pride for the freedom we are given.

Thank you all,
Tyler Thines

Monday, November 14, 2011


Hello all,

For this project I am going with the Freedom as my big idea.  With Veterans day just passing and how freedom is given to us because of them I feel this is a great starting point.  Freedom is a huge thing for me because I am so thankful for the sacrifices that people have given up so that we can enjoy this liberty.  The freedom to do as we want, say, and feel are great ways to live that not everyone are able to do.  Its the freedom that allows us to be in a major university of our choosing, and majoring in what will make us happy in life.

For this project I want to capture freedom in at least 3 images.  Since freedom in this country can be so broad I want to find 3 things that will mean a lot to everyone, but most especially myself.  This can be visual freedom of symbols but also I want to try to capture freedom in  a way that is difficult to see as in maybe just a thought.

With freedom I feel the opportunities are endless because it is so relevant to me and everyone that lives in this country.  This project should be interesting to do because I feel a connection to the topic so it should be a fun project to do.

Thank you,
Tyler Thines

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MP 5

Hello all,

My words for this project were open and gravity.  I decided to use both instead of just choosing one considering we obviously use gravity every day and we also open things every day.  When thinking about what objects I use everyday to incorporate with this assignment I had a hard time deciding what to do, then i just realized I need to keep it simple.  I decided to use a water bottle, first being closed upside down, then opening it and the water pouring out.  This involves the opening of the bottle, and gravity working to draw the water out of the bottle and to the ground.  It represents much more then just water because any thing you drop will fall to the ground, but water is typically a pretty minor thing that if it spills it won't do much damage. So it can represent every day minor mishaps or big disasters if something valuable or fragile is dropped and ruined.

Thank you,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

MP 4

Hello all,

For this project I choose the super power of flight.  While thinking about what power I would want to have I thought about flying, x-ray vision, super strength, just about everything you imagine a super hero having.  But what made me finally decide on the ability to fly is that growing up I feel every kid has acted like they are flying either buy running around or actually jumping off something and getting hurt.  This eventually made by decision very easy.

The project itself I feel turned out pretty well.  I like how I used the blurr effect to make it seem like I was flying very fast over the oval like I was on a mission to get some where.  I do wish I could  make it seem a little more realistic because I look a lot bigger then everything around me but I guess we can just act like I am way higher then everything and the camera is right above me.  Overall I am happy with the way it turned out and enjoyed doing this project.

Thank you,